L'amour Divine: Brie.S

Oct 9, 20214 min

Embracing Spirituality!

Updated: Dec 23, 2023

I began my spiritual journey in 2008 but became more in tune around 2016. I was actually brought up in the church and baptized Catholic. My mother was also Catholic but became more spiritual versus religious once I entered middle school. Initially, I did not believe most of what she said because religion was instilled in me, not spirituality. On the other hand, my mother was convinced that Sylvia Browne was making sense of questions that she felt were not adequately answered through religion. So, she bought many of her books and would share her beliefs with anyone listening.

After a few years, my mother finally got me to read her book, "God, Creation, and Tools for Life." Surprisingly, it made a lot of sense to me as well. Mainly because I knew very young that I liked women, and it was always hard for me to digest that it was bad. In other words, I was conflicted with some parts of religion myself. Whereas Sylvia did not express homosexuality as being wrong per se. Instead, she stated how God was an all-loving God. Our sexual preference or gender did not matter in heaven because we all chose to live as the opposite sex at some point.

In my opinion, God intended for masculine and feminine energies to seek out each other because that is how we procreate. However, I think our primary purpose here is to learn and gain knowledge to evolve, which is why God gave us free will. So, even if God did intend it to be a certain way. He also gave us the right to choose who we want to be and love. I do not think he would put us here to do just that— to turn around and punish us for it. When I was eighteen, I saw my first medium, Mary Neuman. She told me I had lived many lives, but this was the first time I had chosen to be a woman.

She also told me I chose this as my last life but the first to reach old age. I guess this time around, I decided to go out with a bang. Considering I have always been a male who died young. Overall, she was a phenomenal reader and the main reason I became a believer. She knew things that I did not tell her. Therefore, she could not have known unless she was gifted. Needless to say, it was a life-changing experience, and for the first time, I began seeing the universe in a full circle versus just being conditioned to see one part of it.

As the years passed, I started to learn and grow more spiritually while tapping into my intuitive abilities. At first, I was preoccupied with fear when I saw spirits or felt things I should not have known, so it took some time for me to accept my gifts. I am still trying to figure out my whole purpose and how I was meant to utilize them. Currently, I do readings, mainly with my Oracle deck. I have been using the traditional tarot deck for the last two years or so, but I tend to drift more toward the guidance my Oracle deck offers. Thus far, I have had a lot of success with my readings. I am still trying to get accustomed to the cards speaking to me. It is weird to look at the cards and to know exactly how they fit my client's life. So, it does take trust and getting used to it.

Since leaving Michigan, I have been trying to tap more into my spiritual nature. While trying to escape from the bubble I am used to back home. When you grow up somewhere, you get stuck in the stereotypes and opinions others place on you. I did not want to be identified by my past, the thoughts, or the ideas of others. I wanted to start over fresh, with no prior assumptions about who I am or will be. I wanted to understand myself on a deeper level with no restrictions or bounds from my previous self. Sometimes, where we come from tends to shape and mold us. When I left my hometown, I told myself that Redd was taking the passenger seat and Brianna was driving moving forward. I was no longer conforming to my surroundings. Instead, I was setting the tone and becoming who I wanted to be and not what other people considered me anymore.

Ultimately, my advice to those reading this article is to unapologetically walk your own path, whether it is spiritually, religious, or neither. It is your right to believe whatever you see fit. I am a woman of God, but I am also a faith-based reader who is spiritually connected. For those who would like to learn more about my beliefs or spirituality in general, tap into our group called "L'amours Blessings." I have also pulled a general card for this article. If it resonates, I hope it helped you and answered the question that you were seeking.

The Spring card represents embracing the change that is on the horizon while allowing your dreams to become a reality. The message for this card is that you are ready to bring your ideas, inspirations, and projects to life. Typically, when this card appears, you are moving into a space that allows you to grow, expand, and create in a way you have never done before— the opportunities for financial growth are abundant. Therefore, if you are starting something new, prepare for a significant expansion in your life and soul. Lastly, when the Spring card arises, it can also indicate that the coming of spring will bring these vital energies to pass. Many Blessings.
